The Power In You Project was born out of Kane Nuttall’s personal challenges with addiction. As a teenager Kane was desperate to fit in, whatever the cost, and this led to more than a decade of forming dangerous relationships, dealing and using drugs, friends being murdered or taking their lives, a failed attempt on his own life, as well as the moment that he came within 20-minutes of being caught in a police raid on the house where he and his associates were abusing, selling and manufacturing drugs, which resulted in long jail sentences for those arrested.

He points to the unwavering support of his mother and father - and eventually being told by someone that he wasn’t even very close with to take a good, hard look at himself - as the catalyst for getting clean, and he has since devoted his life to helping others. 

In developing The Power In You Project, which focuses on taking positives out of negative experiences and using them to empower program participants to take control of their lives and become contributing members of the community, Kane and his team have had a profound effect on the wider community with some incredible statistics around its overall impact. As of 2020, The Power In You Project is recognised as one of the strongest addiction support services in the region.

Importantly, Kane understands first-hand what it is like to be in the grips of an addiction - an extremely dark place - and if someone can build up the courage to ask for help, Kane believes that they need support immediately - on that day - and not placed on a waitlist.