The Program

The Power In You Project is the only open-ended day program in Victoria. We understand that every individual’s recovery is different, and we believe that there should not be any time limits placed on an individual’s recovery; however, the program does work with participants through stages of progression at their own pace.

Recovery Process

The program takes participants through four stages of recovery and development:

Stage 1: Establish Hope, Trust and Understanding

Stage 2: Restore Self – Worth

Stage 3: Create Opportunity

Stage 4: Find Purpose

The program operates 7 days per week. We are now offering afternoon group sessions on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Support Groups

Every week The Power In You Project runs several support groups to assist participants facing a wide variety of challenges. These support groups work to build up our participants sense of self-worth and foster hope and understanding in a positive and non-judgemental setting. The support groups on offer include:

Addiction Support: A peer led group session that focuses on tomorrow rather than yesterday. These sessions help to rebuild the skills that are lost in addiction.

Mental Health Support: A peer led group built on respect and understanding of participants individual circumstances that assists them to overcome their challenges and live a fulfilling and rewarding life.

Women’s Group: A safe and welcoming space for women to create connections and seek tailored support for their challenges.

New Directions: A peer led group designed to assist people affected by the justice system to make a positive and lasting change and become contributing members of the community.

Life Skills Group: A group that empowers participants with the knowledge and skills to make better decisions and get the most out of life.

Physical Health And Wellbeing

Physical health and wellbeing are a cornerstone of The Power In You Project and has proven to be very valuable to participants that want to improve their quality of life and make a lasting change. All our active sessions are inclusive of participants of different age, gender, ability and fitness level. The sessions available each week include…

Personal Training at Surefit: A high intensity workout tailored to the needs of our participants.

Self-Defence: A series of practical lessons on self-defence that seek to develop important skills and build confidence.

Boxing: An all-abilities boxing class that builds up fitness and technical skill.

Open Gym at Elite Fitness: A self-directed workout for participants where they can train at their own pace.

Yoga: A beginner friendly yoga class built around mindfulness and relaxation.

Community Connection 

Community connection and group activities are the final component of the holistic support that The Power In You Project offers participants. It is important that our sessions help create new connections with each other as well as keep our participants feeling connected with the wider community. Some of what we offer includes…

Art Therapy: Our art therapy provides our participants with an outlet for self-expression and the opportunity to develop their creative side in a warm and friendly environment.

Cooking: Every week our participants have the opportunity to prepare and share a healthy meal that they can enjoy as a group.

Breakfast Club: Our breakfast club is another opportunity for our participants to come together and get to know each other and build positive connections.

Community Connection: The Power In You Project has regular excursions each week on a Friday and Sunday where participants can step outside their comfort zone and try new activities.

Walks & Mindfulness: Each day The Power In You Project engages in a walk or mindfulness practise along the Barwon River in order to stay connected to the environment.